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Contact Us

If you wish to place an order or you wish to find out more about our products, then you have a number of options. If you have a inquiry, or would like some advice then please feel free to give us a call or send an email. We are here to help.


Telephone +44 (0)1923 226494

We are open from 10am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday

Order Online

Our online store is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Payment may be made by credit or debit card using a secure server, Paypal, or via direct bank transfer. Using the online store also allows you to track the progress of your order, from the moment you place it to the moment it arrives.

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Order via Telephone

You can of course place an order over the telephone if you are unable to place your order online . This is also an ideal opportunity for you to discuss your potential purchase with us, so if you are stuck on which electrode or control unit would be suitable then give us a call on.

+44 (0)1923 226494
( 10am to 4pm GMT Monday to Friday)


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